Foundational Concepts & Terminology

Project:  a temporary group of related tasks undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

Program:  a group of related projects and operations coordinated together in a larger effort than a project

Portfolio:  an organization’s entire investment in projects and programs

Project Management:  using skills, knowledge, and resources to satisfy project requirements

Process:  a packages of inputs, tools, and outputs used to produce specific output(s)

Project Management Processes:  predefined and practiced packages of inputs, tools, and outputs used to produce specific output(s) for a project

Project Life Cycle:  a group of project phases specified by a project management methodology

Methodology:  an organization’s specific implementation of project processes; a set of steps to manage a project

Gate:  a quality-control checkpoint with in a predefined methodology

Phases:  groups of project stages separated by exit gates to evaluate phase deliverables

Stage:  an affinity subset of activities and deliverables that occur in a specific sequence with in a specific phase

Triple Constraint:  the concept that scope, time, and cost are interrelated; one cannot change without affecting at least one of the others; also known as the “Iron Triangle”

Baseline:  the original plan plus all approved changes (scope, schedule, cost)

System:  a set of formal management procedures, rules, processes, people, etc. that support an outcome

Historical Information:  information from previous projects used to evaluate future project decisions

Lessons Learned:  documented variances (historical information) used to avoid variances in future projects

Progressive Elaboration:  an iterative approach where planning occurs in cycles rather than only up front

Project Management Skills:  leading, communicating, negotiating, problem-solving, influencing, delegating, and being proactive

Stakeholder:  a person or group having an interest, whether positive or negative, in the result of the project

Project Management Office (PMO):  a supporting or controlling department regarding methodologies, tools, standards, best practices, and audits